Terms & conditions

  1. General

    These Terms and Conditions ("Agreement") governs the use of the services ("Service") that are made available by Website.com Solutions Inc. ("Website.com", "we" or "us"). These Terms and Conditions represent the whole agreement and understanding between Website.com and the individual or entity who subscribes to our service ("Subscriber" or "you").

    PLEASE READ THIS AGREEMENT CAREFULLY. By submitting your application and by your use of the Service, you agree to comply with all of the terms and conditions set out in this Agreement. Website.com may terminate your account at any time, with or without notice, for conduct that is in breach of this Agreement, for conduct that Website.com believes is harmful to its business, or for conduct where the use of the Service is harmful to any other party.

    Website.com may, in its sole discretion, change or modify this Agreement at any time, with or without notice. Such changes or modifications shall be made effective for all Subscribers upon posting of the modified Agreement to this web address (URL): http://www.website.com/terms-and-conditions/. You are responsible to read this document from time to time to ensure that your use of the Service remains in compliance with this Agreement.

  2. Services

    Website.com offers Subscribers domain name registration, website hosting, and email hosting services for the duration of the service term purchased from Website.com.

    Services are provided on the basis of facility and equipment availability. Website.com reserves the right to modify, change, or discontinue any aspect of the Services at any time.

    Access to the web and email servers is terminated upon expiry of the Service.

    Details regarding your account can be found in your account control panel (https://www.website.com/sign-in/)

  3. Web Hosting

    All Website.com web hosting accounts will display a "Coming Soon" web page by default when activated. This page informs visitors that the Subscriber has recently setup their account with Website.com. The "Coming Soon" default index web page may be removed by the Subscriber at any time once they have access to the web server. The "Coming Soon" web page may include, but without limitation to, the following:

    1. Links to additional products and services offered by Website.com.
    2. Advertisements for products and services offered by third-parties.
    3. An internet search engine interface.
  4. Website Builder

    Website.com provides Subscribers with a non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license to use the Website Builder. The Website Builder is developed and owned by Website.com, and any reproduction, modification, creation of derivative works from or redistribution of the Website Builder is expressly prohibited. The Website Builder, its structure, sequence, organization and source code are considered trade secrets of Website.com and are protected by trade secret laws.

    Website.com does not claim ownership and is not responsible for any of the information, code, data, text, software, music, sounds, photographs, pictures, graphics, videos, messages, files or other materials ("User Content") submitted using the Website Builder. Subscriber is entirely responsible for all User Content uploaded, posted, emailed or otherwise transmitted via the Website Builder.