I’m Waqar Imtiaz

Waqar's Photo


Compltete digital solution for your business.

From a simple website for your small business to large scale fully dynamic ecommerce solution for your growing business. I provide Responsive Web development, SPA (Single page applications using modern JS), Mobile apps developemnt that includes Android, IOS and PWA (Progessive Web Apps), WordPress Development, Firebase, API developemnt using headless CMS like Strapi, Shopify store and customize solutions.

Using the latest trends and best coding patterns, your apps will work seamlessly acroos all devices and plateforms. I use semantic HTML and latest CSS trends like CSS grid and flexbox for the layout. Depending on your needs and requirements by quick case study, choosing the best modern JS frame work like Angular / React / Vue / NextJs / GatsbyJs and many more out there. Also integrating the API, fetching data and showing it on the front-end. handleing all the cases, adding validation and stuff like secuirty and lazy loading etc.

Also I provide support for your any ongoing project, or redesigning existing website or web app, adding features to your web app and many more. feel free to send a mail with your query.

Front-end Development

Mockups to responsive HTML/CSS conversion, adding animations and JS for interactivity. Integrating Rest API's and GraphQL in your app.

Modern JS Development

Devlopment using modern MVC type frameworks and libraries like Angular / React. Backend serices / API developemnt using JS frameworks and headless CMS like Strapi and others.

Mobile Apps and Others

Using Flutter to make Android / iOS applications with the same code base, that is cost effective and time saving. Developing PWA (Progessive Web App).

Ongoing Support

Need to work on an ongoing project, maybe your website that needs to be responsive or needs API integraion or solving any kind of issues that you're facing.


"Eat, sleep, code, repeat ..."

Hi, my name is Waqar and I am Front-end Web developer with 12+ years of experience in the field. I started my career back in 2008 while I was still in High School.

I am self-taught, back in the days, I was curious about how the web works so I googled some and started creating HTML/CSS pages. Once I started coding there was no way back and I started learning JS and PHP as well, along came some projects from our family contacts and this was my entry point in the web world.

In the starting years of my career I worked with different authors of ThemeForest and worked as a Front-end developer to convert design to responsive HTML/CSS/JS, I used Bootstrap, jQuery and many JS plugins and libraries during that time and developed over 500+ projects. After that I starting working on React and Angular and ending up choosing Angular for future development, but I also work with React time to time to help out friends in the project or teching React.

I am Front-end developer with the ability to work on the backend as well. I am familiar with PHP and MySQL. I have worked with Firebase, Express.js and headless CMS like Strapi to quickly create RestAPI’s. I have also experience in WordPress and Shopify as well. I am available for freelance work.

I am a traveller and I love travelling, that’s one of the reason I did a job at Thana, KPK between the mountains, It was far away home but totally worth it. I travelled all over the Punjab on my motor bike, now that’s the experience that you should really have. I love hiking, biking and foose ball.



SKILLS & Tools

here are my skills and toolbox to manage everything...
HTML CSS SASS Bootstrap JavaScript jQuery D3js Angular React Typescript NodeJs BackboneJs Babel Flutter Android iOS Github & many more . . .


Feel free to reach out If you have any query or just to say Hi.